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AIER Was Invited To Attend The Annual Conference Of The International Children's Vision Health Program

2018-02-24 00:00:00


Main partners of the OCV

On 5th - 6th of February, the annual conference of the international children’s vision health care program of OCV was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka. As the program's highest executive partner, AIER EYE HOSPITAL GROUP is the only eye institution in China that was invited to the conference.

To facilitate WHO's vision 2020 initiative, the program was launched in 2015 by Brien Holden Vision Institute (BHVI) and supported by the WHO, International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO), World Council of Optometry (WCO), Helen Keller International (HKI) and other institutions. The program plans to provide high-quality vision screening, correction and healthy education for 50 million children and adolescents in five years. So far, it has attracted more than 70 institutions from 50 countries and become the largest and most influential eye health program in the world.

2.jpgExperts at the conference

Dr. Lan Weizhong, the vice director of AIER Institute of Optometry & Visual Science, was invited to share his experience entitled "campus eye health - AIER mode".

Dr. Lan said, “Enabling everyone, whether rich or poor, has the right to eye health.” is the great vision of AIER that always attaches great importance to children’s vision health care.

From 2014 to 2017, AIER has completed vision health screening for 11.44 million children in China, set up more than 40 provincial myopia prevention and control bases, held more than 9000 health education activities, and 200 million yuan was invested in these activities. In 2016, AIER became one of the four global executive partners of OCV, planning to provide another 10 million children with screening, health education, and public welfare relief in China within five years.

However, Dr. Lan also points out that, although China's economy has improved significantly, children's vision health care still has a long way to go because of unbalanced economic development between regions.

As the world's largest eye hospital chain, AIER will no doubt make a great contribution to the vision health of all mankind.



Professor Lan weizhong, delivers his speech at the conference


Professor Yang Zhikuan, vice President of AIER Eye Hospital Group and director of pediatric ophthalmology and optometry division (right), accepts the certificate from BHVI's greater China President, Dr. Chen Jiawei (left)