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Salute to all cornea donors

2020-04-10 00:00:00

On April 2, Online Condolence for organ donors, hosted by Changsha Red Cross Society and Changsha Broadcasting System, is jointly held by Changsha AIER Eye Hospital and other organizations.

The Spring Equinox: a period that carries the vitality of new life and the lamentation of the passed

Affected by the epidemic, condolent activities to organ donors during this Tomb-sweeping Day are held online. Hospitals of AIER Eye Hospital Group actively join both online and offline mourning activities led by local Red Cross Society and NHC.

On April 2, online condolence for organ donors, hosted by Changsha Red Cross Society and Changsha Broadcasting System, is jointly held by Changsha AIER Eye Hospital and other organizations in the memorial square. The condolent activity is conducted through both online live steaming and offline interaction. Participants in the square bow and send flowers to present their condolences to the selfless and brave spirit of the dead. Meanwhile, Loudi AIER Eye Hospital and Yueyang AIER Eye Hospital also join the condolences activity held by the local Red Cross Society.

Cornea donation enables life to continue in another form


"There are many medical problems in the world, such as cancer and the current COVID-19. I want to do something to contribute to our society, hence I will donate my body after I pass away."
-Last words from Mr. Li Boxin

At the beginning of this year, Mr.Li Boxin, a staff of XiangYa School of Medicine, CSU, passed away. In accordance with his lifetime wishes, his family donated his cornea and body to the AIER Cornea Receiving Station and XiangYa School of Medicine, CSU to help people regain eyesight and conduct scientific research on medical problems.

"I still remember the smile on my husband's face when we all agree with his decision to donate his cornea. It was the happiest time for him in recent years. Even though he is gone now, I believe he is relieved for his body can help others." cried Mr. Li's wife.


Volunteers and staff express lamentation to Mr. Luo Hainan who was a 72-year-old corneal donor.

Mr. Luo Hainan passed away On April 4, 2017, in his 72. He was a donor, too. After his death, his corneas were donated to the Red Cross Society and received by Loudi AIER Eye Bank. "My father was a travel lover. Now someone would have the chance to see the world for him. We are happy for him!" said Luo Jun, Mr. Luo's son.

Mrs. Yang Lihong, a director of Changsha AIER Eye Bank, takes chrysanthemum to the cenotaph of organ donors presenting her condolence and esteem.

"Cornea donation enables life continuing in another form, which is very meaningful. We wish those condolent activities can arouse more attention for organ donation and more would participate in this lofty cause of devotion and life extension." Said Mrs. Yang Lihong, a director of Changsha AIER Eye Bank. She sends chrysanthemum to each cenotaph of cornea donors. There are a lot of names on the cenotaph, each of them tells a story of selflessness.

Less than 10,000 corneal transplants were operated per year for the scarcity of corneal resources

"Compared with other organ transplants, the success rate of corneal transplantation is the highest, at about 90%. Corneal transplantation has the lowest incidence of rejection after surgery as the cornea is a transparent and non-vascular tissue. Rejection is the main reason for the failure of organ or tissue transplantation. Most patients with the corneal disease can recover their eyesight with corneal transplantation." said Prof. Li Shaowei, the Ph.D. supervisor of AIER School of Ophthalmology, CSU and Director of AIER Corneal Institute.

According to the World Report on Visual Disability 2010 from the WHO, there are 8.248 million blind people in China. According to statistics, there are about 5 million people with corneal blindness in China, of which about 100,000 new corneal blindness patients are added each year, but only about 5000-10,000 people undergo corneal transplantation every year in China.

At present, the number of corneal blindness patients in China is huge. However, due to the influence of traditional concepts and the lack of awareness of cornea donation, there are few corneal donors. The scarcity of cornea is the main reason that patients with corneal blindness cannot be treated in time. Most patients with corneal blindness live in the dark because they cannot wait for the donated cornea.

On the morning of April 2, the medical staff of Shenyang AIER Eye Hospital represented more than a hundred volunteers from various hospitals of AIER in Liaoning Province, collectively signed a paper for corneal donation and solemnly sworn.

Two media reporters sign their paper for corneal donation.

AIER's medical staff willing to set an example to donate cornea. On the morning of April 2, the medical staff of Shenyang AIER Eye Hospital represented more than a hundred volunteers from various hospitals of AIER in Liaoning Province, collectively signed a paper for corneal donation and solemnly sworn. It is reported that it is the first case that medical personnel collectively signed the application paper for corneal donations in Liaoning Province.

AIER Eye Hospitals in Liaoning Province keep visit and condole the families of cornea donors and arrange eye health examinations for them since March.

Except for Changsha, Loudi and Yueyang AIER Eye Hospital participate in the online and offline condolent activity, many other AIER's hospitals also join the online and offline mourning and condolence to donors.

As a national platform for corneal receiving and rescue, AIER Eye Bank orderly implements corneal receiving work and actively cooperated with the work of publicity and public education under the supervision and support of local health administrative departments and the Red Cross Society. At the same time, AIER Eye Bank also actively cooperates with local public welfare organizations and media to conduct activities such as volunteer training, blindness rescue, and public education. According to statistics, AIER Eye Bank has received nearly 3,000 donation papers in 29 cornea receiving stations and 10 eye banks nationwide.