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AIER Clinic of Myopia Prevention for Teenagers: " 5P Model for Myopic Prevention"

2021-11-29 00:00:00

According to the Ministry of Education of the PRC that in 2020, the general myopic rate of China’s children and teenagers is 52.7%, a 0.9% drop compared to the ratio in 2018. Though a 0.9% drop makes a significant point in myopia prevention, a 14% myopic rate in first-grade primary students still makes the prevention a difficult task as the high-prevalence in younger age.

On October 31st, the AIER Clinic of Myopia Prevention for Children and Teenagers and the "5P Model for Myopia Prevention" event was officially held in Chengdu. Based on its multidisciplinary expert’s team, advanced technology and superior medical service, AIER aims to build a comprehensive myopic prevention system covering a full range and multi-dimensions of " myopic prevention and treatment" by forwarding a nationwide “5P Model” and new technology in myopic prevention.

Ministry of Education of the PRC: In 2020, the myopia rate of children and teenagers is 52.7%, and that of first-graders is 14%

The myopia rate of children and teenagers in China ranks among the top in the world, far exceeding that of developed countries in Europe and America. According to the latest data released by the Ministry of Education at a press conference, the general myopic rate of China’s children and teenagers is 52.7%. From 2018 to 2020, the rate of myopia in first grade is about 14%. Monitoring in 2020 showed that the myopia rate of six-year-olds across the country exceeded 9%, with the highest rate reaching 19.1%.



Mr. Zhikuan Yang, Vice Leader Of Optometry Group, Chinese Ophthalmological Society and P.HD supervisor of AIER School of Ophthalmology, CSU delivered a speech entitled "Focus on National Policy, Myopic Prevention and Control"


"Disease, genetic factors, and eye environment are the three major causes of myopia, the goal of myopia prevention is to avoid premature myopia." Mr. Zhikuan Yang, Vice Leader of Optometry Group, Chinese Ophthalmological Society and P.HD supervisor of AIER School of Ophthalmology, CSU, stressed that the key to preventing myopia has one tip: "One more, One less ", that is, to increase outdoor activities and to avoid strain on the eyes. It is recommended to ensure at least 2 hours of outdoor activity per day.

The latest data also showed that they are 10% high myopia students across the country in 2020, and the proportion increases with grade levels. Among 6-year-olds in pre-school, 1.5% have high myopia, but in high schools, it stands at 17.6%.


Mr.Jiang Lin, Member of the Contact Lens Safety Monitoring and Visual Health Committee of China Health Association, the Deputy President of AIER in Sichuan Province explain the connotation of the AIER Clinic of Myopia Prevention for Children and Teenagers

"Myopia can cause vision loss, eye fatigue and poor concentration on children and teenagers, which exert influence on their study and life." Mr. Jiang Lin, Member of the Contact Lens Safety Monitoring and Visual Health Committee of China Health Association, the Deputy President of AIER in Sichuan Province said, If high myopia problem is not addressed, it can lead to a dramatic loss of vision and even blindness due to Cataracts, Glaucoma, Maculopathy and Retinal Detachment. "Therefore, the goal of myopic control is to avoid developing high myopia."

AIER Clinic of Myopia Prevention for Teenagers: take "5P Model for Myopic Prevention" as the core to build a comprehensive myopic prevention system

Myopia is an ocular disease caused by excessive axial elongation, as we know the eye axial elongation is an irreversible process, so once myopia happens cannot be cured. If someone has myopia already, monitoring the myopia progress, preventing the occurrence of high myopia is the key. AIER aims to build a comprehensive myopic prevention system covering a full range and multi-dimensions of "myopic prevention and treatment" by forwarding a nationwide " 5P Model" which refers to prevention, prediction, process, platform and parents.


AIER " 5P Model for Myopic Prevention" 

"Prevention First" means that through monitoring and screening, AIER will establish a refractive file for each teenager and enhance professional preventing measures including the artificial intelligence product "Cloud Clip" independently developed by AIER and patient education seminars.


"Precise Prediction" followed by a full range of examination including genetic background examination of myopia, accurate measurement of eyeball data, binocular visual function examination, reading habits and visual environment, a precise prediction for the myopic group will be intervening the progress of myopia, as well as investigate the causes of myopia and control the development of myopia. 


"Standardized Process"  means an exclusive standardized process will be formed to redress the eye-using habits. At the same time, improve binocular visual function problems, and regularly follow up the prevention and control effect of myopia in children.

The "cloud clip" is an artificial intelligence wearable device for myopia prevention and control with the veracity and reliability ensured. In addition, myopic children’s problems vary slightly from one situation to the next, the diagnosis and treatment methods may also be different, so being " personalized" involves using technology to accommodate the differences between individuals is what AIER doing right now.” Professor Zhikuan Yang explains.

"Platform Support"  AIER aims to build an academic research and achievement incubation platform for myopia, a refractive file data platform, talent training platform and public welfare platform, to contribute to the development of myopia prevention and control.

In September this year, AIER Institute of Optometry & Visual Science and AIER School of Ophthalmology, CSU jointly released《2021 National Report on Eye Behavior and Visual Environment of Children and Teenagers in school and home》. More than 200 million data of eye behavior and visual environment of 16,153 children and teenagers were collected through the " cloud clip"  devices. After analysis, it is found that children's eye-using habits and visual environment are worse at home, therefore, through the whole prevention and control process, parents play key roles, who are regarded as the guardian of myopic prevention and control. 

Take " 5P Model for Myopic Prevention"  as the core, AIER aims to build a comprehensive myopic prevention system


Mrs. Huimin Yu, Development Minister of Sichuan All-China Women’s Federation delivered a speech

" We are committed to meeting the 《Comprehensive Plan to Prevent Nearsightedness among Children and Teenagers》 expected target index. All-China Women's Federations at all levels have been advocating to establish the five-in-one myopia prevention and control mode, relying on professional medical institutions, further strengthening the prevention and control of myopia in children and teenagers. The release of the AIER Clinic of Myopia Prevention for Teenagers gives us great inspiration. Parents are children's teachers, families have important responsibilities to prevent children's myopia, it also emphasizes parents' duty and responsibility." Development Minister of Sichuan All-China Women’s Federation Mrs. Huimin Yu said.

" Prevention and control of myopia, prevention is vital. Parents should cultivate children's eye care habits and do more outdoor activities to prevent myopia."  Mr. Zhikuan Yang said at the same time, it is recommended that parents take their children to professional eye medical institutions from the age of 3 regularly and create eye health files, at least twice a year, to achieve detection and intervention goals at an early stage. If the child has myopia already, go to the formal professional eye institutions to monitor the myopia progress, prevent the occurrence of high myopia (myopic with 600 degrees or above is defined as high myopia).

It is reported that by October 2021, AIER has screened nearly 20 million people for myopia. The launch of the Clinic of Myopia Prevention for Teenagers, related diagnosis and treatment technologies and services will be carried out simultaneously across the country. AIER will make full use of the internet, big data and other technologies to create a new model of "SaaS platform (software service platform) + intelligent ophthalmic medical equipment" and enjoy a certain degree of synergy. The system relies on a data analysis model, by using this model, it provides data and technical support for the decision-making and work deployment of myopia prevention and control by governments, schools and medical institutions at all levels, as well as providing professional and personalized guidance for teenagers visual health. 

"Love is in the air on the road to growth. At present, with the joint efforts of the country and the whole society, the prevention and control of myopia among teenagers has made some progress. However, we also see that there is still a trend of the high prevalence of myopia among children and teenagers at a younger age. Today, AIER aims to build a comprehensive myopic prevention system covering a full range and multi-dimensions of " myopic prevention and treatment"  by forwarding a nationwide " 5P Model" and new technology in myopic prevention. AIER has always been shouldering responsibilities and missions from the prevention and control of myopia among children and teenagers, assisting put all national policies into effect at the community level. " Professor Zhikuan Yang said.