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Lan Wu, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee: Support AIER to grow bigger, benefit the eye health industry with more efforts.

2021-01-25 00:00:00

On the morning of December 4th, Lan Wu, deputy secretary of Hunan Provincial Party Committee, and her delegation came to Changsha AIER Eye Hospital to learn about the development of AIER and have an informal discussion with Chen Bang, chairman of AIER.

Lan Wu expressed her appreciation for a series of achievements made by AIER, she hoped that AIER could make greater contributions in personnel training, scientific and technological innovation, and prevention control of myopia in children and adolescents. Bang Chen said that AIER is committed to the parallel introduction and absorption of world-leading scientific and technological innovation technology, to build an eye health ecosystem and strive to promote the development of human eye health. Guowen Qin, Deputy Secretary General of Hunan Provincial Party Committee, and Guishu Wang, Deputy Director of Hunan Provincial Department of Education accompanied the inspection.


Deputy Secretary Lan Wu (second from right) pays special attention to the eye health of children and teenagers.

After arriving in Changsha AIER, Lan Wu and her delegation first inspected the outpatient service, medical equipment and technical strength. From the number of outpatient visits to the expert team, last to the development of various operations, Lan Wu made detailed inquiries, and she praised AIER's corporate culture has always been focusing on eye care service and patients.


In the following discussion, Bang Chen introduced the development history of AIER for Lan Wu and her delegation, also expounded the concept and achievements of innovation-driven sustainable development of AIER from the aspects of development model, education and technology development, talent model, public welfare model, etc. Lan Wu and her delegation listened to the report carefully and had a detailed understanding of the corporate 's globalization development and talent training system. 

The eye health of children and adolescents is also the focus of attention of Lan Wu and her colleagues. In the visual function training room, they asked about the children's amblyopia training situation with concern. Lan Wu hopes that AIER can give full play to its advantages, provide advice on eye health for preschool children, and make joint efforts to prevent and control myopia.


Deputy Secretary Lan Wu is looking at Tingting's painting.

During the visit, Lan Wu also received a "special" gift. A painting by Tingting, an eye disease girl from Yongzhou. The painting revealed joyful and happiness, she wrote "Thank you, Secretary Lan Wu! Thank you AIER!"

It is understood that during a research in Yongzhou Xianzijiao Town, Tingting, who suffers from visual disorder but has a dream of painting, she was remembered by Deputy Secretary Lan Wu. As an international eye medical group based in Hunan, AIER had no doubt undertake social responsibility to helpTingting’s eye back to normal. After the operation, Tingting sees this beautiful world again. she says excitedly. "I want to paint the most beautiful picture for Secretary Lan Wu, for my mom, and for all the aunts and uncles who helped me!" Lan Wu is genuinely happy that Tingting's eyesight has improved. "You guys helped her solve a big problem," Wu says. "So she can live on her own now, which is very important for a family." "The eyes are the window of the soul, and eye health is an important part of people's better life." Lan Wu said that Hunan province will create a good development environment and foundation for AIER to support AIER grow bigger and stronger.

Deputy Secretary Lan Wu's entrust is inspiring. Bang Chen said “we will keep in mind the entrust, keep up with the pace of the country, accelerate the construction of eye health ecosystem, and take practical actions to fulfill the mission of enabling everyone, whether rich or poor, has the right to eye health”!